It’s infectious and highly contagious. It is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. Yet it is a medicine and drug at the same time. In fact, it’s the world’s cheapest and most inexpensive medicine of all. Some of its common street names are Humor, Wit, jokes and Funnies. Its legal name is LAUGHTER.
Research has shown that laughter is a potent and power antidote to stress, pain and conflict. A good laugh can do wonders on your overall health. Studies show that it relaxes the whole body, boosts the immune system, triggers the release of endorphins (the body’s own natural feel-good chemicals) and protects the heart by improving the function of blood vessels and increasing blood flow, which can help protect against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
Since laughter yields such awesome benefits and in the spirit of laughter and humor, I decided to add a family reunion humor page to my website. The video below was the catalyze to this decision. The video uses humor to address and spotlight an issue that happens often with family reunions – family members who don’t pay their reunion fees/dues. OMGoodness, I laughed so hard! I contacted the creator and owner of the video, Ms. Van Figgers, and asked her for permission to use her video on my website. She was ever so gracious and told me I could, also, use the two images below the videos which are equally as funny as the video. She’s since created a YouTube Channel, Tell it Tillie. Please be sure to go check out her channel and other hilarious videos as well. She clearly exemplifies Proverbs 17:22 – “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
So, thank you Ms. Figgers for the inspiration and for graciously allowing me to share your video and images as the first entries on this page. This is just the beginning. This family reunion humor page will ultimately include many more funny sayings, quotes, videos, images, memes and other family and family reunion ha-ha-ha’s.
Make sure laughter is on your To-Do List! Remember life is so much better when you’re laughing. Enjoy!
I hope you’ve laughed or smiled! Your feedback is welcome. Please leave it in the comments below.
I love it!!! I’m thinking about putting a video like that on our family reunion website… I like the ‘face you get when’ photos as well. Really good ideas for family fun… So far I’ve enjoyed your site… I seen it last year but had taken a look…
We need this, Thank you!
Diane, using the words and a popular phase of the Millennials, this video and her facial expression on the images “Gives Me Life” :-). Once you’ve planned and coordinated a family reunion, you truly understand and can relate. I love the humor she used to get the point across. Glad you like to site.